Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Family Farmed Pet Food... Really?


Many ancient cultures regard their farmers as "living Libraries".   They continue to cultivate a respect for the traditions associated with bringing forth life from the soil and the vast knowledge required to do so.  Under the ever changing and innumerable conditions of weather, soil, saved seed quality etc., farmers hold the centuries old knowledge of timing, flexibility, and ingenuity which few professions can compare.  They are the keepers of the field of applied and practical survival.

In contrast modern society has chemically swept away sustainability and centuries of applied knowledge, leaving in its wake an ever increasing curve of top soil loss, erosion, and desertification.  We have forced and encouraged our farmers to replace the care of local peoples with commodities and cash accumulation.  A "let them eat Cake" approach to nutrition, ignoring cellular health, replacing it with Franken-foods diet devoid of micronutrients but with plenty of GMO's.  In so doing, we are cultivating the failing health of our people.    And as we push our farmers further down the road of destruction (for who can eat cash?  It has little nutritional value after all...) we see failed farms financially, failed communities socially and failed health for us all.  For what? our lives become cheaper we must ask..who will make a living wage in this decline and what in the end will have any real value? 
Cattle in feedlot

It is commodities markets that largely decide the farming fate of the nation, not cost of production. We are cultivating cheap GMO based infertile seed that can produce nothing wholesome, not even reproduce itself.  Infertile, sterile, and financially unviable.  Fat cats making cash, not sensible, long term planning that creates a real Homeland security in knowing we will all be able to eat from the soils we inhabit.  Taking from the bank of the soil we give back nothing and demand more, cheaper, faster and tastier than ever!  Armed with chemical weapons stock piled from the ongoing wars today's "modern" farmer makes war on all that is healthy.  Spray it and it will grow....for a little while anyway.  Then what when the soil surrenders?

There is no backtracking on quality in life.  Health is happiness and cannot be bought back no matter the price.   No price we could pay would also buy back the dignity of a nation whose priorities are focused on the unsustainable and non life giving technologies we embrace,  while heaping scorn upon those who keep us alive.  Modern media is ripe with sarcastic images of the hillbilly farmer, absent of knowledge, replete with scorned local swagger.   Ignorant, uncouth, and unsophisticated?  Not today's family farmer.
Pasture fed cattle on a family farm

Hip, holistic, and remembering the knowledge that kept us all alive for centuries beyond count many farmers are recapturing the wealth of fertility, sustained and viable.  They farm the soil!  So finally...PET FOOD?  Yes.  Clean healthy and whole. Provide economic support for those who do right, protect our fertility (the community's true bank of resources) and maintain a form of true survival.  Apart from the health giving properties of real food farmed from healthy environments there are huge social and financial repercussions to supporting good wholesome farms.  Pets are what they eat just like the rest of us!  We breathe the same polluted air and drink the same compromised waters.  Buying family farmed pet foods supports clean environments, local economies of livable wages and creates a circle of health that goes well beyond the obvious.

Put your money where your mouth is!  Support clean environments as health = wealth!